Friday, January 10, 2014

Discussion Post: Favorite Posts

I have a handful (or two) of blogs that I religiously follow. And when I say religiously, I mean that I pretty much read every single post they publish on their blogs. I love these blogs and will read anything they write. But I also follow other blogs where I'm a bit more selective. I pick and choose which posts to read. So I want to share with you what some of my favorite types of posts are. 

 I am a review girl. I love love love reading reviews. I find new books to read and I can discuss the books I've already read with people who have also read them. I hear that a lot of other people enjoy reading reviews too. But oddly enough, my reviews get the least amount of views and I know that I'm not alone in this. I wonder why that is. 

Jamie has posted some wonderful personal posts and I absolutely love reading them. I love getting to know the person behind the blog and what better way to do that than read posts talking about blogger's lives. I want to start doing more personal posts on my own blog. How would you guys feel about that?

And the third and final favorite are Top Ten Tuesday posts. I love browsing through people's lists and seeing what books we have in common. I also find a lot of new books to add to my ever-growing TBR by perusing TTT. It's fun interesting and honestly a quick read when I don't have much time. 

What are your favorite types of posts to read? Are you interested in reading more personal posts on this blog? Are there any features or posts on other blogs or your own blog that I should check out? Leave me a link!


  1. My favorite posts are reviews (because I love book talk) and memes! I've got to say that one of my favorite memes is Waiting on Wednesday because it helps me discover some new books! And also adds to my neverending to read list... Haha

    1. Yeah, Waiting on Wednesday is a pretty good one. I've discovered quite a few awesome books from that meme. But it does add to my never-ending TBR. Sometimes I get super stressed out though staring at that ever growing list, knowing that there is no possible way I will ever finish it. Lol.

  2. I enjoy personal posts. Like you, I mostly read reviews and I try to comment as much as I can because I have also noticed that I get less viewings and comments on them. Which is a little sad. I also like discussion posts like this. I also enjoy waiting on Wednesday because I find out about upcoming books that I didn't know about. Pam

    1. You are THE BEST at commenting! You always brighten my day with your comments. :) It's very sad that reviews get the least amount of views. They definitely take me the longest to write so that's disappointing. And really that's what I started this blog for. To review. It was only after blogging for a few months that I got into memes and other posts. I have found some really great books via WoW as well!

  3. I really do like all types of posts. Reviews, though, I usually only read for books I've been looking forward to or enjoyed. Some memes do get tiresome, but I love Top Ten Tuesday, Wishlist/Waiting on Wednesday, Cover Love, and Rewind & Review.

    1. I definitely enjoy reading reviews about books that I've already read more, but I also like to read about new books that perhaps I've never heard of. If some of my blogs that I regularly follow liked it, then I know I probably will too.

  4. Reviews are great as well, but I don't always read the review when they're posted. If it's a book, I'm already planning on reading, usually I'll hold of on reading reviews until I've read the book. If it's a book I've never heard of, I'd read the review then. So reviews are a bit difficult to navigate sometimes. I also love Top Ten Tuesday posts, discussions, and personal posts.

    1. That's a good point. A lot of times, I don't want to read a review if it's a book I plan on reading. A lot of times I prefer to go in as unbiased as possible so other people's opinions don't sway my own.

  5. I love all these posts too! Top Ten Tuesdays are always fun because I find a lot of new blogger friends that way, and the main reason I started blogging/reading blogs was for the reviews so I love them too. I also liked hearing more about the blogger behind the blog, so I'd enjoy reading more personal posts. :)

    1. I will definitely be trying to post more personal stuff. I definitely like getting to know the blogger a bit better. I feel like all you wonderful people are my friends, yet I don't know much more about you than what kind of books you like to read, ya know? So I would love to see more personal posts overall in the book blogging world. :)

  6. I also love those three!! And I love, love discussion posts and tips/blogger help posts. I would definitely be interested in reading more personal posts. OH and I loved your vlogs so I hope you do more of those too :) Top Ten Tuesday is definitely one of my favorites but my POOR tbr is suffering from it lol. When I hear everyone raving about books I just need to add them!!

    1. Oooh yes! I totally forgot about blogging tips. My favorites are Nosegraze's BBB posts. She is seriously amazing. Awww thanks! I love vlogging so hopefully I'll be doing more of those. Yes. TTT and Waiting on Wednesday definitely make my TBR list way too long and then make me cry. Lol.


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