Thursday, January 16, 2014

Review: Avalon by Mindee Arnett


Author: Mindee Arnett
Series: Avalon #1
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Genre: YA Science Fiction
Format: Ebook
Release Date: January 21, 2014
Source: eARC received from publisher via Edelweiss
Rating: 4.5 Stars
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***I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This has in no way changed my opinion of the book. The review below is my open and honest opinion.*** 

Synopsis from Goodreads:

A ragtag group of teenage mercenaries who crew the spaceship Avalon stumble upon a conspiracy that could threaten the entire galaxy in this fascinating and fast-paced sci-fi adventure from author Mindee Arnett.

Of the various star systems that make up the Confederation, most lie thousands of light-years from First Earth-and out here, no one is free. The agencies that govern the Confederation are as corrupt as the crime bosses who patrol it, and power is held by anyone with enough greed and ruthlessness to claim it. That power is derived from one thing: metatech, the devices that allow people to travel great distances faster than the speed of light.

Jeth Seagrave and his crew of teenage mercenaries have survived in this world by stealing unsecured metatech, and they're damn good at it. Jeth doesn't care about the politics or the law; all he cares about is earning enough money to buy back his parents' ship, Avalon, from his crime-boss employer and getting himself and his sister, Lizzie, the heck out of Dodge. But when Jeth finds himself in possession of information that both the crime bosses and the government are willing to kill for, he is going to have to ask himself how far he'll go to get the freedom he's wanted for so long.

My Review:

I am always up for a great space/scifi book so when I read the synopsis for this, I knew I had to read it. This book has been compared to the show Firefly which I tried watching one time. I was unable to get through the first episode (please please please don’t kill me!). But after reading this book, I’m thinking that maybe I need to give the show another try. Because if it’s anything like this book I will probably love it.

This book was amazing! It was full of rich world-building, tons of mystery and twists, and a fantastic cast of characters. I wasn’t surprised that I liked Avalon, but I was surprised with just how much I loved it.

Jeth and his team work for a crime boss, Hammer, stealing things like spaceships and metadrives (the device that allows you to travel faster than the speed of light) for Hammer to sell on the black market. While Hammer is definitely not a nice guy, he lets Jeth and his team live in his docked spaceship Avalon. Avalon used to belong to Jeth’s parents before they were executed by the ITA, the organization that basically governs all space travel, research, etc. After their death, Jeth’s uncle gambled away Avalon, losing her to Hammer. Ever since then, Jeth has been working to save up enough money to buy her back and fly far far away from Hammer.

This group of thieves is extremely good at what they do. One day Hammer asks them to go retrieve something from the Belgrave, which is basically like the Bermuda Triangle of space. And this is where things get interesting. Weird things start happening. Secrets are revealed. It gets cray.

The plot of this book was so freaking good. I literally couldn’t put it down. I stayed up until 2am reading this book because I had to know what happened. Mindee Arnett wrote a fast-paced plot, but also allowed plenty of room for explanation. The world-building was really well-done and I could definitely picture the world that Jeth and his friends lived in. The one thing I wished we had learned more about was how humans came to live in space and discover all these planets. It wasn’t really necessary to the story to know this, just my own curiosity.

The characters are all amazing. Jeth was seriously the best main character I’ve read about in a long time. I was so excited that I was able to connect with him. I usually have a harder time connecting to male characters, but Jeth was so relatable. He’s strong, driven, and determined. I also love how protective he is of his sister and his entire team. They are truly a family. Jeth is an amazing leader, but we definitely see his flaws and his own self-doubts. He sometimes cares too much about getting Avalon back and makes some selfish decisions, but he works hard to try and make it right no matter the cost. His character was dynamic and ever-changing and I loved getting to know him. 

The rest of the team was also awesome. I loved getting to know each of their quirky characteristics. Jeth's younger sister, Lizzie was especially great. She is so mature for a 13 year old, but then there are also tiny specks of the child still within her. I loved watching her grow, show vulnerability, and ultimately learn many hard lessons. This kid is resilient and she never gives up. 

The only thing that was just kind of okay for me was the romance. I wasn't a huge fan of the girl and therefore wasn't a huge fan of her relationship with Jeth. I never really felt it. And I thought the girl was kind of bitchy. We get some back story for her showing why she is the way she is which definitely made me more sympathetic towards her, but I still didn't particularly like her with Jeth. 

I don't want to say much more because I don't want to spoil anything for you, but guys just read this book. The world-building is phenomenal, the characters are well-developed and instantly likeable and the plot twists will continue to surprise you and keep you guessing. You won't be able to put this one down. Trust me. You don't want to miss this story. Happy reading all!

Have you read this book? What did you think of Jeth? Thoughts on the romance? Should I give Firefly a second chance?


  1. I agree, I thought the world-building was phenomenal and the plot was incredible as well. I didn't connect too much with the characters, though, I don't know why. I seem to like books more when the main character is female, for some reason. And I agree with you about the romance...meh. But I did really like the book, such a great sci-fi. ~Pam

    1. Yeah, normally I don't connect with male characters, but I just really really like Jeth for some reason. I thought he was such a strong, well-developed character. I can't wait for the next one!! One year is way too long.

  2. I am reading this right now and Jeth is definitely growing on me! It's a cool, sci-fi story

    Kate @ Ex Libris

    1. You will love Jeth by the end! I loved reading about all the cool space stuff. :)


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