Friday, January 31, 2014

Top Science Fiction Book Boyfriends

Book Bangin' is a feature hosted by Kelly @ Belle of the Literati where, once a month, we talk about hot boys in books!
This month's genre is science fiction!
Books Mentioned: 
 These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge

Sorry the quality of this is so bad guys. I was in a rush to get it done and didn't have time to set up like I normally do!

Who are your favorite swoony science fiction men? Any that I should meet? Have you read These Broken Stars? What did you think of Tarver?


  1. Have you read All Our Yesterdays? Finnnnnnnn <3
    And if you class dystopians as a subgenre of scifi, then there are probably a lot of swoon-worthy love interests you could mention. I say this while staring at the link to your review of Into the Still Blue *cough* Perry *cough* Roar

    Tarver is definitely a great choice. His POV was done SO well. In fact, both POVs were done really well. So kudos to both authors!

    It's weird because I normally don't actually like bad boys that much, but both Warner and Ignifex are high on my swoony boy list haha. (Not quite book boyfriend- the're both slightly too insane for that lol)

    1. I have! I did really love Finn, but I'm not sure if Kelly is going to do a separate "time travel" genre so didn't include him. Yeah, dystopian was a separate month and most of my science fiction guys went into that category. Perry was definitely on that list!

      Yes, I loved that both Tarver and Lilac had such a unique voice.

      Haha, guess they're not too insane for me... I am madly in love with Warner and Ignifex would definitely make my book boyfriend list.

  2. Okay I NEED to read TBS obviously. LOVE uniforms. I own it but haven't had time to read it yet. can't wait!! Oh and I want to read girl of fire and thorns too bc i need more fantasy and more uniformed men. :)

    (AHHH CHAOL.) <-- this was totally necessary.

    1. Omg you haven't read Girl of Fire and Thorns yet??? You need to!! You would love it. And you will totally swoon over Hector. *sigh*

      And btw that was TOTALLY necessary because it's CHAOL.

  3. Yeah, it's hard what to classify as sci-fi versus dystopian sometimes (a lot of books seem to be a mix). Loved Tarver too! My favorite would have to be Daemon from Lux series and Jackson from The Taking series (love hot aliens!) And then there's Jared and Ian from The Host. Loved those guys! Fun post as always! ~Pam

    1. Yes, they all seem to be crossovers. I still haven't met Daemon....even though I have had that series since Christmas...epic fail. I have the Taking, but haven't gotten to it, but now I'm extra excited. A swoony guy?? Yes please! And I totally forgot about Ian!!! I love him. Should have included him here..dang it.


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