Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Top Ten 2014 Debuts I'm Excited About

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we make lists of bookish things! 

The topic this week is 2014 debuts we are excited about. Surprisingly it was kind of tough for me to find ten. Which just tells me that I need to search for more new authors. I know they are out there! I just need to find them. I think it's so important to give debuts a chance. You may find something that you really like. I just recently read Defy, Sara B. Larson's debut and absolutely loved it. So that just goes to show you that an author doesn't always have to be well-seasoned or on the NYT Best-Sellers List to write a book that you'll enjoy. So do me a favor and read as many debuts as you can this year! Let's support these new authors and show them what a welcoming community we are! Can I get a victory cheer? Woot woot!

 Red Rising by Pierce Brown: This book talks about caste systems mixed with slavery and a revolution. I'm pretty excited about and even featured it in last week's WoW post. I love caste systems so that immediately grabbed my attention. Not to mention the amazing cover.

 All That Glows by Ryan Graudin: I love all things fantasy. This book is about the Fae. As soon as I read that I added it to my TBR. I actually have an eARC of this one so hopefully I'll be getting to it soon!
 Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige: I first heard about this one on Epic Read's Tea Time. A retelling of the Wizard of Oz with a crazy twist: Dorothy is the evil one. What??? Need. 

 Salvage by Alexandra Duncan: A space story! Sign me up! 
 Talker 25 by Joshua McCune: You know what YA needs more of? Dragons. And Joshua McCune is bringing us a tale of dragons with reality shows. Uh, does anyone else think that sounds completely amazing? 

 Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman: Historical fiction during the WWII era is my favorite. There's just something I find so fascinating about this time in history. This story is told from the perspective of Hitler's niece who begins to question everything she's been taught when she meets a Jewish reporter. The fact that this story is told from the perspective of Hitler's niece has me wanting it badly. What an interesting and unique take we are going to get on this era in history. 

 Cinderella's Dress by Shonna Slayton: A Cinderella retelling about a girl entrusted with a trunk full of Cinderella's dresses. These dresses hold some kind of power and of course the descendants of the evil stepsisters want the dresses. Sounds cool right? Oh and I forgot to mention this is also set during WWII. Bonus! 

 The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings: This one's going to be dark. I like dark. I'm pretty excited. Sounds like it's going to be a pretty original addition to the dystopian genre. And Lindsay Cummings is so sweet! You should all go follow her on Twitter. 

 Illusive by Emily Lloyd Jones: Kids with superhero powers. Viruses gone wrong. Sounds awesome!

 Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge: A Beauty and the Beast retelling with a twist. Have you seen the cover of this one? Omg. Drooling.

Any of these debuts on your list as well? What other debuts should I be salivating over?


  1. Ahh! I don't know how I forgot about Dorothy Must Die. I've seen it on a bunch of lists and I keep kicking myself over it. The cover is so cool! I'm excited about The Murder Complex too!!

    1. The cover is super awesome. Kinda creepy but in the best way. :)

  2. I want to read Cruel Beauty really badly!

    I took this assignment in a bit of a different direction and listed debuting series, not necessarily debuting authors. My list is totally different from everyone else's. LOL. But, I'm finding out about some of the cool debut authors from you all, so that's awesome!

    TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

    1. I just started Cruel Beauty today actually. So far so good. Hopefully it lives up to my expectations!

      That's okay! I love when ppl put their own spin on things. And I need some new series. All mine are finishing up this year!

  3. Dorothy Must Die looks amazing! I love retellings, and I don't know if I would have ever seen it! I love how pretty your list looks too!

    1. I'm glad I could help you find it! It sounds like such a unique take on the Wizard of Oz. Thank you so much! :)

  4. These are all on my list! I'm actually really really excited for Cruel Beauty & The Murder Complex! Cinderella's Dress is the only one I hadn't heard of, but now it's definitely on my radar!

    1. Yay! Glad I could get a new book on your radar! I just started Cruel Beauty today! So far so good, but I'm not very far into it. Hopefully it's amazing!

  5. I've already read Cruel Beauty and it was fantastic! I've never heard of Cinderella's Dress but I'm already looking it up on GR. Everyone is dying for Dorothy Must Die but I have no idea what Wizard of Oz is so… and The Murder Complex! wow for that synopsis!

    awesome list!
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    1. Glad to hear you say that! I just started Cruel Beauty today so I'm hoping for amazing. You don't know what the Wizard of Oz is??? You must watch it! Maybe it's on Netflix or something. The Murder Complex sounds so good!! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Cruel Beauty and Red Rising are on my list too (I found out about Red Rising from you, so thanks!) And Salvage is so good, I probably should have put it on my list but I only listed books I haven't read. Ok, Talker 25 sounds really good, I'm adding that one. Too. Many. Books. Great list! ~Pam

    1. You're welcome! Glad I could share. :) I'm glad to hear that Salvage is good. I only put books that I haven't read yet too. I have an eARC of Salvage, just haven't gotten around to it yet. Can't wait to read it!

  7. YES! Victory cheer, agreed :) I just started paying attention to debut authors last year and I can name atleast 4 right off the top of my head that are now autobuy! AMAZING!!!

    OMG>>>> Cinderella's Dress... I need to check this out NOW! WWII! And Cinderella :) OOOH and Cruel Beauty. Honestly, I didn't even care about this but SOOO many people have been eyeing it up and saying awesome things I think I want in :D

    1. I know! Not a lot of people are talking about Cinderella's Dress yet, but it sounds soooo good! I love WWII stuff and mixed with a fairytale retelling?? Yes, please! I am reading Cruel Beauty right now. I'm almost halfway through. I'm liking it so far, but I'm not loving it. I'm hoping the second half becomes amazing.

  8. I REALLY want to read cruel beauty! I mean, beauty and the beast is just my favorite, I love retellings AND fantasy -- this is like hte perfect concoction. I also want to read dorothy must die! like, i said, love retellings! I've been seeing prisoner of night and fog around too and added that one to read because it sounds like it'd be so good! I used to read a lot of historical fiction so definitely want to read this one!

    1. I'm reading Cruel Beauty right now! It's okay so far. I'm hoping it blows my mind in the second half though. I love that Prisoner of Night and Fog is written from Hitler's niece's perspective. I think it's going to be such an interesting take on the era. If you like historical fiction, you need to read A Mad Wicked Folly. I just finished it and was blown away!


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