Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Blogger/Reader

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we make lists of bookish things! 

This week's topic is reasons I love being a blogger/reader. This list was super easy to come up with and I could've kept going forever. Because there are so many reason why I love blogging and why I love reading. But I managed to limit myself to ten. 

So there you have it. The top ten reasons I love blogging/reading! What are your top ten reasons? Any of yours match up with mine?


  1. Great list! We had a few in common. I love this community. And the worlds was one of mine as well. I love fantasy for that reason! I love when books take me places that I couldn't even imagine!

    My TTT

    1. Yes! That is my favorite thing about fantasy books. The worlds are just so unique and incredible and it truly is an escape from real life.

  2. I don't think any of us can deny that receiving ARCs is the best. xD You're the first person I've seen who's included book boyfriends. That's really creative, and something I didn't think of.

    Here's my list! http://bookworm716.blogspot.com/2014/02/top-ten-tuesday-being-bloggerbookworm.html

    1. No we really can't, can we? :)

      Book boyfriends are the best! They never let a girl down. :)

  3. Book boyfriends, ARCs (this needs to be on everyone's list, whether they admit it or not), characters, feels, worlds, discussions, the people...agree with all of that!

    Dark Days...what have you heard about this book? It's actually downloadable from Edelweiss (no request necessary) and the premise sounds interesting, but I'm trying not to start any new series unless I've heard they're amazing.

    Great list! ~Pam

    1. Yes, I really think that everybody should include ARCs. Let's be honest, they're awesome.

      I was actually talking about the book tour hosted by HarperTeen. Tahereh Mafi, Veronica Rossi, Kiersten White, and Sophie Jordan are touring together for it. I actually didn't end up going because I am super sick and didn't even go to work today. *sobs*

      But I haven't heard of the book. If it's downloadable from Edelweiss that means you're auto-approved for that publisher! Who's the book by? I'll look it up.

    2. Oh, I just saw Dark Days and thought of the book. I'm not the brightest! :) Sorry you didn't get to go, that would have been so much fun to meet those authors!

      Edelweiss is just so confusing, I really don't get it. The book is called Dark Days by Kate Ormand. Just not sure about it, especially since it's the start of a new series. ~Pam

    3. It sounds interesting and like something I would like, but at the same time I'm unsure... It kinda sounds like your typical dystopian and that worries me. Let me know if you end up reading it!

  4. I feel like I said the exact same thing about ARCs on my list. I think I said something along the lines of "Let's face it, ARCs are awesome..." Love your list!

  5. Jealous that you got to go to a Marissa Meyer signing. I wish I lived in a place that had good signings. And I love ARCs too. i think everyone does.

    1. I am so thankful that I moved to a place with a great book scene!

  6. Even if I didn't join the book blogging community for the ARC's, I do love this part of it! The Book Boyfriends would have definitely gone on my list, too! I wish I could be able to attend bookish events, but for now I'll just dream of being able to go to BEA. Lol. Great list!

  7. Great list! Book boyfriends is definitely something that should have gone on my list, and the feels too! Escapism is my favourite part of reading, I love immersing myself in someone else's world :)
    My TTT

    1. Yes! That is my favorite part as well. It's so nice to be able to escape from real life for awhile.

  8. The boyfriends and the feels! Love! I wish more authors came to Fargo, ND though!
    ­ MY TTT
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. I think that boyfriends and feels go together a lot. :) That's how I felt when I lived in Washington!

  9. I love your list! Especially author events - those are the best. :)

  10. All these things were basically on my list too! (minus the warner part yuuck hahaha) I want all the feels and love love escaping into different worlds and living so many different stories! Bookish events for sure - I hope you go to BEA!!! so awesome that you're going to the dark days event!!!

    1. Haha he is the one book boy we disagree on. That's okay. More for me! I didn't end up going to Dark Days. I got really sick and didn't even go to work today so didn't make it to the event. *sobs*

  11. I love how you set your list out and definitely agree with your point. ARCs really are amazing, who doesn't love ARCs ;) I'm going to my first book signing this year and I can't wait! Great picks :) My TTT.

    1. Yay! Who is the signing for? I hope you have an amazing time!


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