Thursday, August 15, 2013

100 Random Facts About Me

When I started this blog, it was just about sharing my opinion on the books I read. I read a lot. As I'm sure you all have noticed. Probably at least 3 books a week. I wanted someplace to share what I thought of all these books and to discuss with other book lovers. It was just something fun for me to do during my period of unemployment.

I've only been blogging for about six months, so I'm still pretty new to all this. I'm at the point where I'm just starting to talk regularly with other bloggers and my whole perspective on blogging has recently changed. This isn't about sharing my opinions on books. Okay, it is. I still love reading and writing reviews, but what I'm starting to realize is that blogging is about making friends. Lasting friendships. Bonding over shared interests. I am so excited to continue doing this. I love when a blogger I follow on Twitter comments on my blog and I love that I finally have a regular set of blogs that I read/follow. It's starting to feel like more of a community.

All that being said, I feel like you guys don't really know me as a person. Aside from the fact that I like to read a lot. And that I love fantasy, dystopians, and science fiction (all in the YA genre of course). So I wanted to write a fun post to share 100 random facts about myself (non-book related). Hope you enjoy!

  1. My favorite food is pizza. 
  2. I live in Washington state, but am from Chicago. 
  3. I am a Green Bay Packers fan. (I know, I know. Chicago peeps, don't hate me.) 
  4. I own a horse... he lives in Illinois still. :( 
  5. My worst vice is probably my eating habits. I eat really bad food all the time. 
  6. I am high maintenance. When it comes to the clothes I wear anyway. I'm a designer junkee. My husband hates it. 
  7. I went to college for fashion merchandising... boy what a mistake that was. Sounds good, not so much.
  8. I am currently writing a novel! Scary... 
  9. My favorite place in the whole world is the ocean. 
  10. I have two sisters. One older, one younger. (They are in the pictures above.)
  11. I met my husband Phil working at Jewel (a grocery store in the Chicago area). (That's my husband dressed as Master Chief.)
  12. I love french fries. I'm addicted. It's a problem. 
  13. My biggest nerd secret: I love watching Naruto, a Japanese anime based on a manga. My husband bought me the soundtrack for Christmas and it was my favorite present... 
  14. I sleep with a little stuffed pink horse that my husband got me for our second anniversary. 
  15. I used to bite my nails. But I broke the habit before my wedding. 
  16. I hate hate hate working out. I do it. 6 days a week. But I hate every single second of it. 
  17. I love basil. Anything with basil in it=delicious. 
  18. I am addicted to coffee. Starbucks particularly. I probably go to Starbucks at least once a week, but it's more like twice. The baristas know me there. 
  19. I have only broken one bone before: my collarbone. 
  20. I've never had my wisdom teeth removed because they still haven't come in. 
  21. I was originally going to major in Chemistry in college. 
  22. I love boating, been begging my husband for a boat for forever. 
  23. The thing I miss the most about living in Chicago is Italian Beef from Portillo's. If you've never heard of it, Google it right now.
  24. I live in a state that is all about snow-skiing and I've never been. 
  25. I live three and a half hours away from Seattle and I still haven't made the drive over. 
  26. I'm a Pinterest addict. 
  27. I love to cook. (I'm sensing a food theme starting...) 
  28. My least favorite chore is grocery shopping. I despise the grocery store. I don't know why. I just hate it. 
  29. I love big dogs. German Shepherds in particular. 
  30. I love Veggie Tales. I have the music on my Ipod. 
  31. My hair is naturally curly, but it used to be stick straight when I was younger. 
  32. I can't hold a tan to save my life. 3 days max. 
  33. My most used app on my phone is Twitter. I could read tweets all day. 
  34. My most listened to song on my Ipod is Radioactive by Imagine Dragons (though I think the radio has just about killed that song now). 
  35. I was addicted to Candy Crush for a few weeks but got so angry that I deleted it from my phone and took a vow to never play it again. 
  36. I have minor road rage. 
  37. I met my husband while I was in high school (he was not in high school, he's 4 years older than me) so I suppose you could say I married my high school sweetheart. <3
  38. Even though planning my wedding was hell, I would totally do it all over again. 
  39. I went to the Dominican Republic on my honeymoon. (It is awesome! We went to Punta Cana! If you haven't been, I highly recommend!) 
  40. I pretend all the funny lines I see on the Humor boards on Pinterest are my own original material when speaking to someone I know does not use Pinterest. 
  41. I carry around a thermos filled with ice water everywhere. I have a horrible fear that I'll choke on something or get that awful dry scratchy feeling in my throat and I won't have any water to make it better. 
  42. I am deathly afraid of spiders. Like serious arachnophobia. I will hyperventilate if I see a spider. 
  43. Related to #42, I am terrified of having boys. My fear is that they will bring me a spider or bug to look at and I will push them and run screaming. 
  44. My favorite color is pink. 
  45. My favorite season is summer. 
  46. My favorite season as far as clothes go is fall/winter. I love leggings and sweaters and boots and scarves and hats. 
  47. The amount of social networks available overwhelms me. 
  48. I hate being alone. I am a people person. If I'm alone too long I start to go crazy. 
  49. My favorite TV shows are New Girl, Mindy Project, Big Bang Theory, and How I Met Your Mother.
  50. I will always be a child at heart. 
  51. Josh Groban is one of my favorite singers. He has the voice of an angel. 
  52. My favorite character from the Avengers is Loki. Ironman and Thor are tied for second place. 
  53. One of my favorite animated movies is Over the Hedge. 
  54. I swam with dolphins twice.
  55. My favorite Disney princess is Jasmine. 
  56. Related to #55, I think I am a Disney princess.
  57. I've never been to Disney World or Disneyland
  58. I wish I could have a teacup pig. 
  59. My flash drive is a penguin. It carries my entire life on it. 
  60. I love sleeping. (Who doesn't, right?)
  61. I used to play volleyball in high school. 
  62. I was homeschooled for three years: 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade
  63. My husband almost went pro for gaming. (Can you guess which game? Hint: check out the picture above...)
  64. My drunk food of choice is  chicken nuggets from McDonalds.
  65. My hangover food of choice is Taco Bell.
  66. I hate horror movies. 
  67. My phone is in my hand 24/7. 
  68. I'm pretty sure that I keep Amazon in business. 
  69. My family is Polish and every year at Christmas we make homemade pierogis. Then, Christmas morning, we fry them in butter and eat them for breakfast. It is my favorite Christmas tradition. 
  70. When I was a kid, I used to save the parsley that they used for garnish at restaurants. I called them my little trees. I was a weird kid. 
  71. I wish I was a ninja. 
  72. Every time I go out with my two sisters, we revert back to being five years old and cause much mayhem. 
  73. I am scared of birds. This is because one time when I was driving I hit a bird and it fell into my car through my window and died on the floor in front of my passenger seat. It was terrifying. 
  74. I never had braces as a child. I have a tooth that sticks out a bit in the front that I call my one vampire fang. 
  75. Gossip Girl is my guilty pleasure show. I own every season (except for the last one) on dvd. 
  76. I tried to watch the Walking Dead one time. I watched the first episode and could never watch another one. Gross. 
  77. I love Game of Thrones and am still trying to mentally and emotionally recover from season 3. 
  78. My favorite party game is Rock Band. 
  79. My favorite board game is Quelf. If you haven't heard of it, it's this really random game where pretty much anything could happen. You may have to belly dance or you may have to create a scuba mask out of supplies in your kitchen. It's crazy. Super fun. 
  80. I love roller coasters. The taller the better. The more loops the better. The faster the better.
  81. My dream job is to become a published author. 
  82. If I have a daughter one day, I want to name her Lauren Leighton Lockhart. 
  83. I like to make things. Like Pinterest crafts. Pictures on canvasses. Decoupage wine bottle vases. Stuff like that. 
  84. I made the shoes I wore on my wedding day. 
  85. I will stop to pet any dog that I see walking on the street. 
  86. My closet is overflowing, yet I still feel like I need more clothes. 
  87. My favorite store to shop in is Nordstrom. (I told you I was high maintenance.)
  88. I quit every single instrument I tried to learn (piano, flute, alto sax) because it got too hard. (parents weren't thrilled since they are both musically gifted)
  89. My favorite flavor ice cream is chocolate fudge from Baskin Robbins. 
  90. Portillo's has the best chocolate cake I have ever eaten.
  91. I'm really short, only 5'2". 
  92. My friend Ana gave me the idea to start this blog.
  93. My ears are pierced. I have one piercing in my lobes and two piercings in my cartilage on my left ear. I never wear earrings. 
  94. I only wear makeup when I absolutely have to. 
  95. There are two katanas in my house and one set of nunchucks. (I told you I want to be a ninja!)
  96. I am a terrible artist. No, seriously, I can barely draw a stick person. 
  97. When I moved to Washington, I thought I would be moving to beautiful lush green forests. Turns out there's a desert in Washington and that's where I live. Seriously. 
  98. I love nail polish, but half the time I'm too lazy to paint my nails. 
  99. My dream vacation is to go to Fiji. 
  100. I have a really hard time falling asleep at night. I can't shut my brain off! 

There you go! 100 random things about me! I hope you guys feel like you know me a little better now. I never realized how hard it would be to come up with 100 facts about myself. Much harder than it should be.

Now here's what I want you to do: Leave a comment on this post with 5 random facts about you! I want to get to know all of you lovely people as well! 


  1. 1. My name is Julia but instead of having Jules as my nickname, i put a "z" in it because i wanted to be unique and the letter "z" is my favorite.
    2. I am an insomniac.
    3. I thought the word was "lactose and tolerant" instead of "lactose intolerance" for a very long time.
    4. I can't do basic math to save my life.
    5. My critique partner, Rebbeca Lockhart, is amazing!

    1. Aww thanks! I love that you put a "z" in your nickname! Much cooler than Jules. My critique partner is pretty awesome as well. :)

  2. I couldn't even watch all of Game of Thrones Season 3 because I was so traumatised by the book I couldn't face the thought of watching the Red Wedding! 5 random things about me would be 1)I think clowns are freaky 2)I named my VW Beetle, Berkeley 3)I want a cat who I would call Katniss 4)most of the tv shows I watch would be 'guilty pleasures 5) i am also a munchkin of 5"2.

    1. Power to the munchkins! Woot woot! Um, the Red Wedding was the most traumatizing experience of my life. I just sat there gaping at the TV for like an hour. Seriously. I was so shocked. I couldn't even respond for like an hour. My body just like went numb.

      Clowns are terrifying. I also name my car (a 2003 Hyundai Elantra). Her name is Mama. Weird, I know. That would be an awesome name for a cat! I also watch a lot of guilty pleasure shows. Can't help it. Lol. Thanks so much for commenting!

  3. I love these facts! It's amazing that you can come up with 100, I always struggle with these haha. I'm a Packers fan too :) I totally agree with you about the eating habit thing... I love shit food honestly, well I like all food but take out.. omg, love. Lol. BIG DOGS! <3 I also love big dogs as well, growing up our family dogs were always German Shepards. I think one of the things I miss the most about the country is that I can't get a big dog while we are in this apartment :( I LOVE #41!!! Seriously... LOVE IT. I have this intense fear that I will get stuck in an elevator, and not to be actually stuck in it but stuck with out WATER. I don't know where it came from but GOSH, what would happen? THE DRY THROAT THING! I feel totally less insane now that you need to carry water with you everywhere as well!
    Thanks for sharing these Rebecca, they were awesome and hilarious and fun!!!!

    1. Woot woot! I knew we were friends for a reason. :) Ahhh German Shepherds!! Seriously our friendship status just got updated to "best friends". Hahaha glad I'm not the only person who thinks about what would happen if I ran out of water... Glad you enjoyed!


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