Thursday, August 29, 2013

City of Bones Movie Review w/Pictures of my Shadowhunter Outfit

I went to see The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones movie on Saturday. I was so nervous. I get nervous every time I go see a book to movie adaptation. I just get so scared that they will ruin great books. (We all know this has happened with plenty of adaptations *cough* Twilight! *cough*.) The Mortal Instruments is one of my favorite book series so naturally I was extra worried. I decided to nerd it up for the movie: Shadowhunter style. I went all out guys. All black clothing, painted my nails black, dark eyeliner, even temporary rune tattoos. So without further ado, here are the pictures of my outfit:

 I got to the theater and my friend was shocked my husband let me out of the house like this. LOL. I didn't have badass black boots so I wore my favorite black wedges which I have now dubbed "my demon stomping shoes" in honor of Isabelle.

The runes were my favorite part. I haven't worn a temporary tattoo in forever (I have no real ones either). I got obnoxiously excited as my husband was helping me put them on. 

Anyway, on to my thoughts on the movie... For the most part, I liked it. I thought it was pretty well done. It could have been better, but it could have been a lot worse. Here's what I liked: 

  • It stayed pretty true to the book. There were lines that came verbatim straight from the book.
  • The actors were all pretty good with the exception of one. (I'll get to him.) 
  • The fight scenes were amazing. Isabelle was a badass. Her whip made me drool. I wanted to jump into the screen and channel my inner Shadowhunter. 
  • The institute was exactly how I pictured it. 

And here's what I didn't like: Caution! Major SPOILERS ahead if you haven't read the book or seen the movie!

  • Simon didn't turn into a rat. Wtf. Seriously???? There are things that happen in subsequent books that I'm trying to figure out how they are going to do. The rat was paramount in the book!
  • Godfrey Gao as Magnus Bane. Looks-wise, he was perfect. Sexy, smoldering. When I first saw the pictures of him I was in love. But his acting was flat and held no emotion. He just didn't do it for me. However, he had a very tiny role in this first movie so it didn't bother me that much. Maybe he'll get better if we get another movie? 
  • The way that Clary and Jace found out they were brother and sister. It wasn't the same way they found out in the book. It was much less dramatic in the movie. I didn't like the way they did it.
  • The fight scene at the end with Valentine didn't take place in the Institute in the books. Since it did in the movie, it kind of messed with the sanctity of the Institute. 
  • No Raphael. In the books, he was a vampire that ends up becoming a pretty influential character later in the series. 
  • Clary and Jace's relationship felt rushed. I know it's hard to cram the entire book into a two and a half hour movie, but it felt kind of insta-lovey to me which it didn't in the book. 
  • Clary used a rune to freeze demons. She doesn't discover her power for drawing new runes until the second book I believe. 
  • There was no mention of parabatais. I think if they had mentioned this, it would have been clearer why Alec and Jace were so close and why Alec felt so threatened by Clary. Not just the fact that he's gay and thinks he's in love with Jace. 
  • No Church. It wasn't a huge deal that the cat wasn't in the movie, but I missed him. 
  • If you haven't read the book or haven't read the book in a long time, you might have been confused. Some of it felt rushed to me. My friend's boyfriend had a bunch of questions at the end for us about what just happened. 
  • Oh and of course, Jamie Campbell Bower is not hot enough to be Jace. I thought he did a great job of channeling Jace's personality, but he wasn't god-like enough for me. And he was way too skinny. 
I know that makes it sound like I didn't like it. But I really did think it was pretty good. These are just some issues I had, but any avid book lover is going to have issues with movie adaptations. Overall, I think they did a good job. I am hoping we get a second one, but the movie didn't do so well opening weekend. Cross your fingers everybody!

What did you guys think of the movie? Do you like my Shadowhunter outfit? Did you dress up? Tweet me your pics @LibraryCanary!

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