Saturday, August 31, 2013

Top Dystopian Book Boyfriends

Book Bangin' is a feature hosted by Kelly @ Belle of the Literati where, once a month, we talk about hot boys in books!

This month, we are talking about our Top Book Boyfriends in the Dystopian Genre: 

I hope you guys enjoyed hearing me swoon over my favorite Dystopian boys! Especially Warner. Because Warner. Okay I'm done, I swear. If you missed my first post where I talk about my Top Book Boyfriends ever you can watch it here.

I forgot to do this last month, but we are also supposed to name a Hot Guy of the Month. So this month, I am naming Gavriel Duval from Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers! Gavriel is super protective of his sister, sarcastic, hot, and totally swoon-worthy! If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it!  

So who are your favorite Dystopian boys? Leave me a comment below so we can swoon together!


  1. LOVE the quote idea! This is amazing!

    MG I forgot about Day!! I suck!

    Yay Perry!! Love how he is with Talon!

    Gah Four!! He is the most popular boy this month so far! I MUST go listen to an interview, he is so freakin' gorgeous. I love the knife throwing, too. Swoon.

    Samm...soldier? I love him already. Must meet him.

    WARNER!! If you haven't watched my video yet I, too freak out about Warner. Love love love. Haha, your husband sounds adorable!!

    Oh gosh, I think I teared up during that joke...oh gosh, I love him.

    And I have to read Grave Mercy!!

    Love your videos!! :) :):)

    1. I think Four is so popular right now because of Theo James. He is that hot. Lol.

      You should definitely meet Samm from Partials by Dan Wells. He is so adorbs. You will love him.

      I like freaked out reading that quote. I can't read Chapter 62 without tearing up and without a huge stupid smile on my face. I literally reread that chapter sometimes just to get myself a Warner fix.

      Grave Mercy is amazing! I was super hesitant about it, but I absolutely loved it!

  2. Great list and you just reminded me that I need to read Partials!! Thanks!
    Kassiah from Swoony Boys Podcast

    1. I love Partials!! I love your podcast! So excited to start following you guys! :)

  3. I love all these boys, except for Samm...whose book I haven't read yet, but he sounds awesome!
    And that quote from Four is so cute :)

    But yes. Warner. :)

    1. You need to meet Samm!! He's awesome and the Partials series is so good!! The third one is coming out in March so you will be able to binge read soon!!!

      Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner!!!

    2. Ooh awesome! I should start that series after I read Ignite Me!


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