Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top Ten Most Memorable Secondary Characters

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we make lists of bookish things! 

Top Ten Most Memorable Secondary Characters

Acheron from the Chronicles of Nick series. Acheron is a tall, intimidating, sexy god. Literally. He is extremely cryptic, but at times, like above, is extremely insightful. Acheron intrigued me from the first book in the series. An extremely memorable character that you will fall in love with. But can you trust him??? We still don't know...

Iko from Cinder. She is an android, so technically not a person, but she has her own unique personality and kept me smiling the entire book. She is obsessed with pretty things and of course, Prince Kai. 

Raven from Pandemonium, the second book in the Delirium series. Raven is strong and mysterious. Honestly, it's the mysterious characters that draw me in the most. She's very secretive about her past claiming that who she was before no longer exists. But beneath her hard exterior, you know that she feels pain. I haven't read the short stories that Oliver put out, but one of them is Raven's story. Have any of you read them? What did you think? Yay or nay? 

Zafir from The Essence, the second book in The Pledge series. Zafir is sarcastic and fiercely loyal to his queen. Something about royal guards just gets me every time... But it was truly his sarcasm and ability to drive Charlie crazy that won me over. He was a fun refreshing character that completely took me by surprise. 

Magnus Bane from The Mortal Instruments. How can Magnus not be memorable? He wears glitter pants, eyeliner, and says the most outrageous things. I love him so much. He is smoldering. One of my favorite characters ever. 

Gavriel Duval from Grave Mercy. I fell in love with him hard. He is sarcastic (what is it with me and sarcasm?). He is very protective of his sister which I loved. I always wished that I had an older brother to watch out for me. And of course, he loves Ismae. They're so freaking adorable. I couldn't get over it while reading. I loved them. <3

Roar from Under the Never Sky. Roar is such a good friend, both to Perry and to Aria. And his relationship with Liv is heart-wrenching. I haven't even read the novella yet. I'm seriously not big on them. Have you guys read it? Yay or nay? Roar is so fun. He is able to lighten any mood. He's like this huge teddy bear you just want to hug. 

Darius from Soulbound. Mysterious, sexy, knows how to fight. With a freaking katana. *drools* Love him. I feel as if there is so much more to learn about Darius. He hides his true identity and I have a feeling he has a dark past. I am dying to find out when the second book comes out. Heather Brewer tweeted the other day that there would be more information on it "soon". What does that mean???? I need it now.

Remember when I said I have a thing for royal guards?? Hector from The Girl of Fire and Thorns. Hector is the good guy. Like good through and through. I normally fall for the bad boy (yeah, yeah, apparently I'm still in high school...), but Hector stole my heart. His loyalty and love for Elisa are so sweet. His position of power makes him sexy of course. I could go on and on. But I won't. He's wonderful. 

And finally, last, but most certainly not least: Warner from Shatter Me. Warner is the love of my life, my Top Book Boyfriend. Everything about him is magical. His character has such a dark past. From the start, you want to know more about him, even though he is the villain. As you find out more about him, you just fall more in love. He is broken and confused. One thing he is sure about: He's in love with Juliette. Best secondary character ever created. Seriously.

Sorry this kind of turned into a book boyfriend post....but they are all secondary characters! And I love them! I don't think you actually mind... What are your favorite secondary characters? Leave me a link to your Top Ten below! Also, how do you guys feel about novellas? Lots of authors put them out writing from a secondary character's perspective. Do you like them or do you pass?    


  1. I thought about putting Warner on my list but I guess I thought of him as more of a main character- regardless he is awesome!

    Emily @ Falling For YA

    1. Yeah, he was borderline for me... I was like he's kind of a main character, but then I thought that Adam was more of a main character than Warner so WTH, I'll add him. Because I love him. :)

  2. Iko!
    When we realized our list was all boys, I considered changing one to Iko because I love her so. But I wanted to keep to my true top faves, so I didn't change it.

    Great list! Thanks for stopping by our TTT.

    1. She's so fun! My list is mostly boys. Boys are awesome. So many book bfs!

  3. Oh, Iko almost made my list too! And I agree about Raven - she is such a significant character. I feel she was responsible for Lena's strength in Pandemonium.

    1. Absolutely. She showed Lena how to survive in the Wilds. Raven definitely helped shape the person Lena became.

  4. Oh I LOOOVE Roar! And DUVAL. Shoot. How did I forget about Duval!?!?!
    I know, I know, another list with Iko and I'm still kicking myself I forgot about her! She's such an awesome little android!
    Great choices! :)

    1. I am so in love with Duval! He's amazing. Iko is hysterical! I love her.

  5. Iko was on my list too! I can't believe I forgot about Roar, what was I thinking??? Great list! ~Pam

    1. Lol, there were so many more that I wanted to put on here, but then my post would have been like 20 pages long... Secondary characters are my favorite. I loved the topic this week.

  6. Good list, I love Iko as well and I agree that she has a great personality even though she's not human.

  7. OMG, you have Acheron on your list! I LOVE him from Kenyon's adult Dark-Hunter series - and his book is the best of the series. Absolutely heart wrenching. I can't believe I haven't read the Nick stories yet. :(

    I've heard wonderful things about everyone else on this list, and we agree on Magnus Bane (ahh, the glitter, the hats, the outfits).

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier.
    Erin @ YA Book Crush

    1. I feel like a lot of people in the YA world haven't read CON or even heard of it. I haven't read any of the DH series, but I am in love with all of the characters. If I ever have time, I definitely am interested in reading them. There's so many though, it's kind of overwhelming!

  8. Great TT! Magnus and Roar are amazing, love them:) Thanks for stopping by.

    TTT @ Eveline's Books

    1. Thanks! They are pretty amazing! Thanks for visiting!

  9. Wow you picked some amazing characters that I wish I had room on my list for. Magnus, Acheron, etc. I totally agree with so many on your list. Thanks for visiting my TTT.

    LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

    1. Oh my gosh, I know. I wanted this list to be top 50 instead of top ten. There were so many more characters I wanted to add, it was so hard to choose! I'm so happy you have heard of Acheron! I feel like a lot of people in the YA world haven't heard of CON or the Dark-Hunter series! Thanks for stopping by!


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