Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Five Favorite Books with a Fantasy Setting

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we make lists of bookish things! 

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is Top Ten Books with X Setting. We got to pick the setting so I chose one of my favorites, fantasy!

Top Five Books With a Fantasy Setting

The entire Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare: This is an urban fantasy so for most of the books it is set in New York City, but the characters do eventually travel to Idris, a fantastical world that serves as Shadowhunter headquarters. Idris is beautiful with tall glass-like spires that glitter in the sun. It sounds wonderful. I wish I could live there. 

Black City by Elizabeth Richards: The city itself is very similar to our own cities, except for the giant wall that separates the humans from the Darklings. It's a dark world full of political corruption and strange, sometimes scary, creatures. Love. 

Soulbound (Legacy of Tril) by Heather Brewer: Set in the country of Tril, the story revolves around a girl who wants to do more than what the guidelines will allow her to. There is a foreboding Zettai Council to serve as the government, a mysterious King that wants to destroy this Zettai Council using his grotesque Graplars, powerful creatures that can only be killed by someone highly trained in the use of a katana. Yes, please. 

The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson: I freaking love this series so so so much. Carson has created an entirely new world full of magic and danger. Miles of deserts and a huge kingdom make the heroine's journey more difficult than she could ever have imagined. Plus, there's Hector, a swoony guard who just happens to be one of my Top Book Boyfriends

Chronicles of Nick series by Sherrilyn Kenyon: Set in New Orleans, a lot of these books take place in the human world, but there's nothing normal about Nick's world. Zombies, vampires, werewolves, and demons dominate these books. Nick travels to other worlds during his adventures with even stranger creatures. Love everything about these books.  

So I only came up with five because I realized making this list that a lot of my fantasy books are still in my TBR pile. I need to get on that. 

So what setting did you pick for this week's Top Ten topic? Leave me a link in the comments below so I can read all about your favorite books and setting!


  1. Ooh, I haven't heard of Legacy of Tril, but it sounds really good, I'll have to check it out! ~Pam

    1. So good. I feel like a lot of people haven't heard of it, but it's amazing! It makes me want to learn how to use a katana, quit my day job and become a ninja... bc that would be a good life decision.

  2. I love TMI, too! It was such a fun, exciting series that I DEVOURED all the books one right after another :)

    1. I did the same thing. I was like in the world of Cassandra Clare for like three weeks. I read all five of TMI series that are currently out and then immediately read TID. I wish I could crawl inside her books and live there.

  3. I've only read The City of Bones but I am DYING to continue the series!

    My TTT.

    1. So good! One of my favorite series. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I still need to read The Girl of Fire and Thorns!!! I think I might wait until book 3 is out though so I can tear through them in a week! :) And obviously I've heard some amazing things about Hector!

    1. Good idea! Less than two weeks til The Bitter Kingdom comes out anyway! You may as well wait! I'm sure you have heard some amazing things about Hector! It's because he's amazing! You'll love him!


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