Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Top Ten Books I Would Love to See As a Movie/TV Show

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we make lists of bookish things! 

Top Ten Books I Want a Movie For (In a Perfect World Where They Don't Screw Them Up)

All of them!!!! Every single freaking one. Hey, we're in a perfect world here, right? Why not??? Just kidding. I narrowed it down to ten. But it was super hard to decide!


The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson: What an epic movie that would be. Action, adventure, magic, swoony boys. 

Cinder by Marissa Meyer: All the technology would be so fun! And I want to see a real live Lunar.

Partials by Dan Wells: Super soldiers who aren't human destroying the human race + a horrible virus that kills all the newborn babies. Definition of post-apocalyptic awesomeness.

Defiance by C.J. Redwine: A fire breathing dragon that lives underground. A horrible villain that will make your skin crawl. A badass girl determined to take him down. And Logan. Hot, smart, sexy Logan. 

 Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi: Literally only in a perfect world. This series is so dear to my heart that I would totally flip if someone ruined it. Warner would need to be cast perfectly since of course, I'm in love with him. But to see a real live perfect Warner. I might faint in the theater. 

Legend by Marie Lu: Day can scale buildings. Naturally I want to see this on screen. Tons of action and a steamy romance. Yes please. 

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi: Aether storms, people living in domes escaping to the Realms. Perry: Bloodlord. Perry and Aria making out in the woods. All of it. Yes. 

 Delirium by Lauren Oliver: I love this world. I want it to come to life. It almost did become a TV show. But it didn't get picked up. Boo. That's probably for the best. They would have probably ruined it. 

The Pledge by Kimberly Derting: Dystopian and fantasy mixed together. Rigid class divisions. An evil queen who has ruled for centuries. Max. Zafir. Everybody. I think this would be better as a TV show.  Game of Thrones style.

Black City by Elizabeth Richards: Darklings. We don't see any Darklings on TV or in movies these days. Well I want some Ash on my screen.
Which books would you love to see turned into movies in a perfect world? Leave me a comment below! Don't forget to leave a link to your Top Ten so I can visit your blog! 


  1. Ok, you've basically picked some of my absolutely favorite books...I would love to see all of these! ~Pam

    1. Yay! We both have the same taste in books. I love it. :)

  2. Good list, I'd like to see Cinder as a movie as well.

    1. Thanks! Cinder would be amazing. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I've read Cinder, Legend and Delirium and agree with you - would love to see them as movies!!!

    1. Would all be so awesome! In a perfect world of course...

  4. I nearly put Cinder on my list too. I think it could be great!

  5. Oh how I fell in love with Under the Never Sky! I wouldn't mind a live action Perry :)

    1. oh my gosh, live action Perry and Roar!!! That would be amazing!!! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. You have some really good picks on here! Many of them are on my list too!!


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