Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2014

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we make lists of bookish things! 

I want to preface this post by saying that I suck at resolutions. Seriously, if I say it's a New Year's resolution, I will automatically not complete it. So...I'm going to say that these are ten things I would like to accomplish in 2014, but don't necessarily have to... See brain, everything is okay. (Pretty sad that I have to trick my own brain, huh?)

 This is so cliche. But seriously. I actually did pretty well last year. I did two rounds of P90X and then started Blogilates. But then I quit in like October and never got back into it. So I'm going to stick with it this year. The whole year. Who's with me? 

 I never read contemporary. But I did finally read a couple last year, Fangirl being one of them, and decided that I need to give this genre a try. So I'm going to be reading a lot more contemporary this year!

 This is something that I REALLY want to happen. I want to meet all the other amazing bloggers out there and I have just heard such great things about BEA. I need to be there.

 Last year I lived in the middle of nowhere and there weren't any author signings or other bookish events near me. But now I live right outside of DC. So I really want to go to more bookish events, starting with the Dark Days Tour in February!

 This is why I started my Coffee and Classics feature. To force myself to read at least one classic a month. Hopefully I'll stick with it. Help me out and read with me!

 I'm an aspiring author. Ultimately I would love to be able to write full-time. I'm sort of almost done with my current WIP, but I go through periods where I write a lot and then procrastinate for a week, not writing at all. I need to buckle down this year, finish it, and start querying. 

 I'm in a new state, with a new apartment, and a new job. I've been unemployed for the last year and a half so have had tons of time to get all the things done that I want to do. So it's going to be a bit of an adjustment working full-time again. I want to be able to manage my time well, keep up my blog, keep up my writing, and of course, keep up with my life. 

 I can be seriously judgmental sometimes. I'm going to openly admit to this character flaw. And this is something that I really want to work on this year.

 Once again, just moved. So my goal is to find a really great church that my husband and I can get involved in. 

Isn't this every blogger's goal? I'm probably going to fail miserably, but I'm going to try really hard not to get overwhelmed by ARCs. 

So what are your goals for the new year? Do any of them match mine? Are you horrible about keeping resolutions too?


  1. I'm kind of the same with New Year Resolutions, which is why I hardly ever make them. But we shall see how I do. Haha! Good luck with your goals!

    1. Thank you! Hopefully I will actually stick to these....

  2. I know how it feels to have to find a church! Not fun! After a lot of church hoppoing, we found one that we really liked and went for about 2 years, but then they moved the church even further away than it already was... so we back to square one. Finally after about a year of looking we found one we really like and have been going since September. It is a great fit for Mr. Betty and I, plus the baby bettys love sunday school!
    I am avoiding tons of ARCs this year too. I want to be more picky. I'm actually more picky than most bloggers, but I do have the tendency to request or accept something that I later question WHY?? or I just don't have the motivation! Then I feel super guilty!
    I seriously hope to join you at least once or twice this year on reading a classic!

    1. Not fun at all. We lived in Washington for two years and still hadn't really found a church that we loved. It gets so discouraging and difficult to continue to get up every Sunday and try a new one.
      I'm probably going to epic fail at the whole ARC things. I just can't stop myself. All those new books are so shiny and pretty and I just start clicking request and download....
      Yay! I'm pretty excited about Jane Eyre this month! :)

  3. I love contemporary YA, too. Funny enough, I just ordered two Rowell books from Amazon. I can't wait to read them -- I've heard so many great things.

    Also, I just have to put this out there -- if you're looking for a church, give the Mormons a whirl. We're pretty cool :)

    1. I love love loved Fangirl!! I have Eleanor & Park and can't wait to read it!! If they're as good as Fangirl was, I'm going to absolutely love them.

      Thank you! I actually grew up in an Assemblies of God church so hopefully we will find a good one out here. :)

  4. I'm with you on the working out Rebecca!! P90X, wow your amazing!! I joined a gym in 2013, got a trainer for a bit and then kind of faded out on it. I starting and continued with yoga though and now I'm OBSESSED so I think that's going to be one of my main focuses. Good luck with your WIP, I hope you finish it :) OH... and the arc one... I've seen it on everyone's list; at least we are all in it together lol. I hope you accomplish ALL OF THEM !! Happy 2014!!

    1. Aww thank you. It was really good, worked really well but after 180 days of the same workout I got bored and then I quit. :( There is one day a week of yoga in P90X though and I loved it. Maybe I will do more yoga this year. We will all have to be strong on ARCs! Happy New Year!

  5. Ohh I did blogilates this year but stopped and somehow never picked it back up. OOPS. So I want to try to get back to doing that! Ohh yes, go to BEA!!! I heard so much about it and I'm going this year! Cannot be more excited -- just bought plane tickets! Finding a church is hard! I never really found one after I moved to Vegas for school. I'm moving back to Seattle though this year! Good luck with your WIP! I have barely a start of one since I never get time to write but I'm really hoping that I'll have some time to do that this year!

    1. Yes! Blogilates for the win. I started doing it after I finished P90X last year and was pretty good for awhile, but then the holidays came and I was like.....no. Yay!!! Well hopefully I will see you there! Are you going for the whole time? I think I might only be able to go to Power Reader day but that's better than nothing, right? Thanks! I have the entire thing finished, but I have quite a bit more revising to do. I basically decided to rewrite the entire beginning. Lol. So hopefully I will finish it this year and actually start querying. Eek! Good luck with your writing!

  6. I want to work out more this year, too. Isn't that always a New Year's resolution? I want to go to BEA too! I hope it happens, it sounds like it would be so much fun. Congrats on the new job, by the way. Hope it's something you like! And impressive that you are writing and that you're almost done with your current WIP, that's so great! I would love to find out more about it! ~Pam

    1. I know, super cliche...but still true. When I'm finished with revisions, I will tell you more about it. Maybe you could even beta-read it for me before I start querying. Would you be interested in that?


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