Wednesday, February 5, 2014

ALA Book Haul

Which books should I read first???


  1. Oh, don't mind me, I'm just going to tiptoe in and steal a couple books from you.... (The Chapel Wars, Open Road Summer, Second Star, Searching for Sky...) I'd start with any of those, or Diamonds & Deceit (if you've read Cinders & Sapphires). Or start in publication order?

    1. Hahaha you could probably steal some and I wouldn't notice. There are so many!!! I'm so overwhelmed. I'll never be able to get through them all so I may do a giveaway for a few... hmmm...

  2. Ahhhhhh GO READ JLA BOOKS RIGHT NOW. I am seirously so excited for don't look back, i'm so excited that you have it!! omg. and white hot kiss. omgggg. (oh what, no i'm not drooling over here, i just have a major author crush on JLA)

    Ohhh Half Bad sounds amazing! gorgeous cover. Hahaha yes, that girl def looks like taylor swift. hilarious.

    GAHH Dorothy must die!! i adore retellings! Hmm I need to read the program.

    OMG you haven't read pushing the limits. go go go! i LOVE katie mcgarry!! (YES, you need to freaking meet Noah). Red rising also sounds really good and intriguing! Yay, glad you got so many awesome books! Yay for BEA this year - we definitely should met up!!

    1. Hahaha I know, I need to get on it. I think everyone has an author crush on JLA...

      We will definitely meet up at BEA! Can't wait to meet you in person and swoon over book boys in real life!!!

  3. That's so great that you got to go to ALA, meet and talk with people, AND GET ALL OF THOSE BOOKS! I'm jealous, I must admit. Red good. Definitely read that one soon. My review is scheduled to post tomorrow. And got White Hot Kiss and Don't Look Back...ahhhhh! I love her and I'm so excited for both of those books (but you really need to read the Lux series and meet Daemon). I saw City of Bones in the picture. If you haven't read that, read it!!! What a great problem to have...too many great books to choose from! ~Pam

    1. Yay! Glad to hear that you loved Red Rising. I'm super excited for it. I need to read all the JLA books!! I've already read City of Bones actually, but I don't own a copy and they were giving them away so I snagged one. I know right? #firstworldproblems

  4. Oh my gosh so many awesome books! Makes me wish there were more bookish events where I lived... I'm going to save up to go to BEA! Maybe you should start Second Star? I really want to read that one. Awesome haul! Enjoy your books!

    1. Yay! If you make it to BEA this year we should definitely meet up! I'm pretty excited for Second Star. It's so overwhelming to look at those piles though.

  5. O________O
    Niiiiice! Such an awesome haul! Dang it, I wish I lived in the US. There aren't any interesting bookish events here in Aussie...

    lol White Hot Kiss will definitely have some steamy scenes. It's JLA.
    JAHSLKDFJLHASKJDF HALF BAD HALF BAD HALF BAD!!! I am so ridiculously excited for that book. Like, major grabby hands right now. And I completely agree about the cover. IT'S SO COOL.
    AND AHHHHH! DOROTHY MUST DIE!!!! Me want. Me want so bad.
    Red Rising sounds so intriguing. Hunger Games in space! :O
    And yes, the girl on the cover of Hexed looks like Taylor Swift. lol

    1. I know. That's how it was in Washington. Zero book events. :(

      Hahaha you're cracking me up over here. "major grabby hands" I seriously say this all the time. I hope you get to read all these soon!!!

  6. EEEEPS?!?!?!?!?! Omg... seriously. Amazing haul. Half Bad and Hexed are on my list for this year, I agree there is NOT enough witch books in YA! I'm glad you had so much fun :D I wish we had events like that here!!!! Oh, and I totally would have watched a 30 minute book haul video :P

    1. I am so happy that we moved to a place where I can actually attend these awesome events! I hope you get to attend some cool stuff soon. :) Lol I probably would too, but I think most people wouldn't...


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