Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Top Ten Books That Will Make You Cry

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we make lists of bookish things! 
This week's topic is books that will make you cry. Well I don't read a lot of tear-jerkers. So I only have six. And for the first time, these are in order from "the sniffles" to "there is a waterfall leaking out of my eyes"

 The "sniffles":

The "single teardrop":

The "this can't be real tears":

The "few choked sobs":
The "puffy eyes at work the next day":

The "there is a waterfall leaking out my eyes because this is so freaking sad and I'm probably going to die from all these feels":

What books have made you cry the most? Have you had puffy eye syndrome at work the next day after reading a particularly heart-wrenching book? Have you ever felt like you were going to die from all the feels? What other tear-jerkers do I need to read?


  1. I still need to read The Program, but now perhaps I'll wait for the weekend. ;) I think Mockingjay was the biggest sobfest for me. Ugh, just thinking about it makes me all weepy.

    Sabrina @ I Heart Y.A. Fiction

    1. I totally forgot about Mockingjay! I cried hardcore during that book. *sniffs*

  2. Great picks. I loved The Program when I read that.You are definitely not the only one who cried at These Broken Stars, I did not see that coming! My TTT :)

  3. I just looked up Me since you... okay totally sounds depressing but I also want to read it now. =\ I actually had quite a few on my list that had me full out sobbing. I don't know, maybe I like torturing myself? Actually sometimes when I'm feeling sad I like watching sad movies. is that weird..?

    1. That's totally not weird! I do the same thing. When I'm sad I want to read/watch/listen to sad things. It just goes with my mood. And I have no idea why I enjoy books that make me cry so much but I do. There's something about them that is just so freaking good. People are always like, why do you like reading that if it makes you cry? And I have no good answer. I just do.

  4. Delirium was on my list too, I was definitely in tears at the end. I actually didn't cry reading Allegiant, but it's because I was just so in shock and thinking that what I was reading wasn't really happening and then as I was realizing that it yes, it was happening, it did happen, I just started getting really angry. So yeah, first shock, then anger. Great list! ~Pam

    1. Shock and then anger are acceptable emotions for Allegiant. I was just so shocked that tears immediately started leaking from my eyes. Plus tears always accompany my anger so yeah...

  5. I must be a robot because I didn't cry in Allegiant lol. Then again, I wasn't really as invested in the series as most people, I think. It was good, but nowhere near one of my favourites.

    Quite excited about reading Me Since You now. I have a copy for review, but awkwardly haven't gotten around to reading it (and the release date is pretty soon as well, I think). I REALLY don't cry often in books, so I'm weird and kind of like looking for books that I think will make me cry :P

    1. Lol that's okay! As long as you cry when you read Me Since You then you are not a robot. Because if that book doesn't make you cry...seriously you have no heart. Lol. I hope you love Me Since You as much as I did!

  6. How about The Fault in our Stars? I went through a box of tissues that night. Talk about a tear-fest!

    1. I have it sitting on my shelf, but I haven't gotten to it yet! I'm definitely going to get to it soon though!

    2. Read it, it's good. Something different than my usual reads...no sci fi, no dystopia, no super natural powers, no war. Just a couple of all-American teenagers with cancer...doesn't get sadder than that! BTW, It's a quick read, took me less than 2 days. -Dana

    3. I will definitely be reading it soon! Especially with the movie coming out. I will want to get it read before seeing the movie! I heard the trailer was heart-wrenching. I haven't even watched any of the trailers for fear of spoilers.

  7. Oh gosh, Allegiant killed my heart! I bawled and bawled during that book and afterwards! I'm sure my dad probably thought I was nuts! Great list, Rebecca! Hope you're having a fab week so far! :)

    xo, Becca @Pivot Book Reviews

    1. Yes. That book made my heart hurt pretty bad. My husband always thinks I'm nuts whenever I'm reading and sobbing/squealing/laughing hysterically. Lol. Thanks! It's Friday so the week is already better! :)

  8. BAHAHAHA It's so funny because as much as I cry, Allegient only made me cry a tiny bit. At that part. You know. with Caleb. *gasps*. My heart almost sobbed. I don't think I will ever read Me Since You, but I have enjoyed all of the reviews about the feels :D AND I ALWAYS HAVE PUFFY EYES!! bahaha. People at work think I'm a bit loony I think :P

    1. Yeah, I sobbed at Allegiant, but I'm hearing from more and more people that they didn't cry. I think that everybody was mostly in shock and that's why. Lol people at work think I'm loony too because I read on my lunch at my desk and if it's a sad book I'm sitting there struggling not to cry. And I was reading Ignite Me last week and was doing a happy dance in my chair. Seriously they were looking at me like I had two heads. Lol.


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