Sunday, February 16, 2014

Love-a-Thon Mini Challenge #4: Mash-Up

Welcome back to day two of the book blogger love-a-thon! The first mini post of the day is a mash-up. Basically what we're doing is mashing up our bookish life with something else that we love to do. I really love to craft. When I have time. Which is hardly ever. :( So I only have one bookish craft that I've actually done to show you, but I do have a lot of projects that I want to do that I thought I would share with you here. 

Book Page Necklace
Isn't this so cute? You can view the tutorial here on how to make this. It actually sounds really easy! Except for the match part. I'm pretty sure I'm going to burn myself and shouldn't be trusted with fire.

Book Page Candles
 Oh my gosh, I am in love with these and I need to make them right now. They are so simple too. These would be simply adorable for a book lovers wedding don't you think? You can find the tutorial here!

Another Book Page Necklace
I actually like this one better than the first one, but it's a bit more complicated. Not terrible though. I'm sure I could figure it out. Here's the tutorial.
Book Quote Canvas Art
These I made myself for my TBTB Secret Santa this year. These are super easy to make!

What you'll need:

Canvas (The ones in the picture are 4x4 inches, but any size you want is fine)
Pretty scrap-booking paper
Mod Podge (Matte)
Foam Sponge Paintbrush (Like these)


First I created graphics using picmonkey to fit on the 4x4 canvas. You may have to convert your canvas size to pixels to get it right on picmonkey, but there are tons of converters on the internet.

Then I printed my shiny graphics onto scrap-booking paper (I just copy and pasted the pictures into a word document and printed)

Cut the graphics out. In addition, you will need to cut small strips of the paper to fit along the edges of the canvas. 

Using your foam paintbrush, paint the canvas with a layer of mod podge. Then stick your paper on. Now spread another layer of mod podge right over top of the paper. 

Let it dry and tada! Book quote canvases! 

Do you guys have any good bookish craft ideas? What was your mash-up? Link it up so I can visit!


  1. OMG, these are beautiful! I love these!! One day... =) Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know that's what I keep day I'll make these...

  2. I am not too crafty, things I make tend to look juvenile. Ha! But I do love crafty things. These are all really interesting and I just adore that top necklace! So very pretty!

    1. Isn't that top necklace gorgeous? My only problem is actually cutting up a book. My heart!

  3. I'm not good at craft but I love craft anyway! I hope to try doing some of these someday! I love the book page necklace so much!

    1. I never used to be very good at it (and I still don't think I'm the best) but I've kinda found the kind of stuff that I'm good at and go with that. Like the canvas art. I love doing that kind of stuff!

  4. These are all awesome! I haven't done many bookish crafts before, but I LOVE these. I bookmarked the tutorial on the first book page necklace, and I definitely think I need to do that one soon. I'll probably end up making them both. This is such an awesome idea, and I love how unique these each are. They're so pretty, and have a vintage feel to them. The book quotes are so pretty, thank you for the tutorial on those, I love how the ones in the picture look!

    1. Thank you! I hope you have fun making them! Let me know how they turn out!

  5. I wish I could do crafty stuff, but I basically almost failed kindergarten because I suck so much (I wish I was kidding but I'm not). Love the necklace...that's my favorite! ~Pam

    1. hahahahaha you crack me up. I suck at most crafts. Actual art, like drawing I'm terrible. I seriously can't even draw a stick person. But other things I'm okay at. I don't know how the necklace will turn out (if I ever get around to making it), I'll probably burn myself. Lol.

  6. Wow go you for creating a lovely craft! That's pretty neat! My book club is actually going to be crafting book cover coasters next week using mod podge too. We'll see how they turn out--could either be amazing or a disaster. :)

    1. Yay! I love mod podge. Seriously it's my favorite. You will have to let me know how they turn out!

  7. Wow, beautiful!! You are quite talented!! Love the book related craft items. :-)

  8. I LOVE bookish crafts and I need to make those candles immediately. When's our crafting party? ;)

    1. Whenever you want! I am always up for crafting and drinking some wine. :)

  9. I always want to make things out of books like that.

    1. I know. But it also hurts my heart a bit to cut books up.

  10. Oh I would love to make some canvas book quotes but I def need to make those candles asap!! They are so awesome!! Great post!! Love bookish crafts like these!

    xo, Becca @Pivot Book Reviews

    1. The canvasses are super easy!! I haven't tried the candles yet, but they look pretty easy as well. :)

  11. I LOVE these :) Especially the bookish necklaces! I'm going to try them out, although I haven't been particularly crafty in a number of years :P Those prints are beautiful Rebecca!!!

    1. Everybody is loving the necklaces. Perhaps I will try my hand at them and maybe host a giveaway.... Thank you! They turned out really cute and I had a lot of fun making them!

    2. OMG, that's an amazing idea!! I think you would be good at them, look how lovely your prints turned out!

  12. Oh my God how lovely! Great DIYs! I've never been that crafty but now I'm inspired to make my own stuff like these :D

    -Kimi at Geeky Chiquitas

  13. I love the bookish crafts you've shared in this post! I might have to make some of these as presents this year, if I'm feeling a bit crafty ;) Thanks for the suggestions!

  14. This is so cool!!! Your canvas art is awesome - I really want to try that this year for presents!! ALSO. the candles!!! I saw that on pinterest when I was wedding idea browsing on there and totally want to do that at my wedding!! will def let you know if I end up doing that. :)

    1. Yes that candles are my favorite. I definitely want to do that one. Let me know how the canvases turn out if you end up doing it!


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