Sunday, February 16, 2014

Love-a-Thon Mini Challenge #5: Letter to Yourself

Welcome to mini challenge #5! We are almost done guys! Only one more challenge and then the Love-a-Thon is over. This challenge was to write a letter to either your past blogging self or your future blogging self. I chose to write a letter to my future self, detailing some goals that I want to accomplish with my blog. 

Dear Future Self,

First of all I hope you’re still blogging. Because I love it. I love the community. I love the books. I love fangirling over the books and the authors with other book lovers just like me. And I really hope you still love all that because if you don’t, I think my heart might be broken. Here’s what I hope you will have accomplished by now.

I really hope you’ve learned how to resist the urge to download a million ARCs from Edelweiss. Just because you’re auto-approved for a publisher doesn’t mean you have to get every single book they put up. Because seriously. Overwhelming.

I hope that you’ve made some more blogging friends. Put yourself out there more! Reach out, talk to people and make friends. Don’t just sit there wondering how all these well-established blogs are all friends and thinking that you could never possibly break into that circle. Just do it! And on that same note, I hope that you welcome new bloggers because remember, you were there once and it’s a big scary community when you first start.

I hope that you’ve figured out a new review style/format. I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and none of my ideas are sticking with me. I know that I want something new and something completely me, but I’m just not sure what that is yet. So get on that, would you?

I also want  you to be blogging more about other things. Blog about your personal life, about other non-bookish things you love. Not all the time, but just introduce more variety. Put more personality into your blog and show the world how unique you are!

And finally I want you to redesign the blog. It’s getting a bit stale and I think it needs an overhaul. Unfortunately I don’t have time for an overhaul right now so I guess I’ll leave it up to you. Maybe even switch over to Wordpress while you’re at it.

Okay, I think that’s all the goals I have. But most importantly have fun. Remember that you created this blog because you love books. Don’t let it stop being about that. Don’t let drama pull you down. Don’t let stats bum you out. Don’t let that one millionth rejection from that one publisher on Netgalley make you sad. Because there’s tons of books out there. More than you could ever possibly read. Appreciate what you have and continue to be passionate about books.


Your Past Self

Did you write your letter to your past or your future self? Link it up so I can visit!


  1. Great! I feel like you perfectly communicated what I would say to my future blogging self (I wrote my past self).
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    1. Thank you! I hope future me takes this advice to heart.

  2. Nice!!
    I feel as if you were inside my head lolz. These were all my thoughts, however, my inhibitions made me take a safer route.

  3. Such a great letter! You and I had a couple of similar goals! And yes, I totally agree with what you said about getting out there and making friends. Commenting on blogs totally helps you do that, as does interacting on Twitter. There are tons of awesome bloggers out there and I know that you can make some great blogger BFFs!

    1. Yes! It's all about putting yourself out there. It's a tiny bit scary, but so rewarding when you do!

  4. I love this!! My favorite part is about downloading all the books from Edelweiss. I don't use that one as much as I do Netgalley but I still have to restrain myself!!

    1. I know! It's so hard when there are new books put up practically everyday and you just want to read them all, but know in the back of your head that you'll never have time. :(

  5. Resisting the urge download all the Edelweiss pre-approved books is still a thing I struggle with too, haha. I hope that you've made a lot of friends and that you find THE design for you!


    1. Yes. It's so hard, I just have to avoid Edelweiss like the plague or I have no self control. Thank you! Hopefully I will be able to come up with something awesome for the blog!

  6. My blogging philosophy has always revolved about having fun! The moment it becomes work is when I know that I have to step back and take a break for a while. Reading/blogging is a hobby, and I want to ENJOY myself when I'm doing it. I also love your goals! Here's to reaching them all ;)

  7. I love this! Here's to reaching those goals through your future self. :) I have also been meaning to change my blog design but currently have no time to do anything about it. agreed on the stats too. it's hard to put yourself out there. I try to do the same to not let numbers concern me and do it for WHY i started first - because i love and want to talk books!

    1. Yes! I hope I do! I know I have no time to work on my design right now. Nor do I have any idea what I even want to do with it. Screw numbers! They don't matter at all as long as we are having fun! Right? :)


Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my blog! I love reading comments and try to reply to every single one! So leave me a comment and if you want to talk more find me on Twitter or send me an email!