Sunday, February 16, 2014

Love-a-Thon Mini Challenge #6: Love-a-Thon Awards

The final challenge of the book blogger love-a-thon is here! I'm sad that it's already over. I have had such a great time putting all these posts together and visiting tons of blogs over the past two days. The final challenge is a really fun one. We're having an awards show!

The first category is:
 And the winner is....

Jaime from the Perpetual Page-Turner! She just changed her blog design recently and I love the hot air balloons!

The second category is:
 There is a tie for this category. And they aren't weekly features. So basically I'm cheating. One is monthly and the other is kind of sporadic I think. 

Winner #1 is.....

Kelly from Belle of the Literati for Book Bangin', a monthly feature where we talk about book boyfriends!

Winner #2 is......

Betty from Book Rock Betty for her amazingly hilarious feature, Book Rockin' with Betty where she interviews an author with Barbies. Yes, you read that right. It's amazing.

Category #3 is:
 And the winner is.....

Cassie from Books with Cass for her Thursday Thought discussion posts! These are always super great discussion questions and really get you thinking.

Category #4 is:
 This is an unfair category. All the bloggers are friendly. But if I had to choose, there are two that stand out. 

Winner #1 is....

Pam for YA Escape Reality! Pam is the nicest, friendliest, most awesome blogger ever! You all should go follow her blog if you're not already.

And Winner #2 is....

Lauren from Lose Time Reading! Lauren is the sweetest. Always up for chatting on Twitter or on her blog, this girl is awesome.

Category #5 is:
 There are three winners for this category because I just can't pick one. 

Winner #1 is....

Betty from Book Rock Betty! I love Betty's review style. It's easy to follow and easy to tell if she liked a book or not. Basically anything Betty fireboxes I'll read.

Winner #2 is....

Ashley from Nosegraze! Ashley is extremely honest in her reviews and I love that. I love that she doesn't hold back and she tells it exactly like it is.

And Winner #3 is....

Brittany from Book Addict's Guide! Brittany breaks her reviews down by the review itself, the characters, and the addiction factor. I love her review style and it always helps me decide if I should read a book or not.

Category #6 is:
 The Winner is....

Jessica Khoury, author of Origin and Vitro! Her blog consists of lots of writing tips if you're an aspiring author and she also writes posts with blogging tips!

Category #7 is:
 Two winners again because I can't decide.

Winner #1 is....

Lauren DeStefano! She is seriously hilarious and I love reading all of her tweets.

And Winner #2 is....

Tahereh Mafi! 1. Because she is also hilarious. 2. Because she talks to her husband, Ransom Riggs, all the time and they are seriously the cutest couple ever!

And last, but not least, category #8:
Lots of winners here.

The Winners are....

Wendy from Book Scents! I love fangirling over book boyfriends with Wendy. She is so nice! 

Kelly from Belle of the Literati! She created Book Bangin', so yeah.

Pam from YA Escape Reality! We email back and forth about books all the time and fangirl over them.

Brittany from Book Addicts Guide! Specifically fangirling over the Lunar Chronicles together since we both love this series so much.

And that concludes both the Love-a-Thon Awards and the Book Blogger Love-a-Thon itself! It's been a blast and I'm so happy I got to participate in this amazing event. Link up to your awards show so I can discover new blogs! See you all at the Twitter party!


  1. Awwww thank u Rebecaa!!!! So glad u love Thursday thoughts!!!! :))))

    Also I loveeee Kelly's book banging feature and book rockin w Betty!!!

    1. You're so welcome!! I'm also loving all your foodie posts this month!

  2. I picked Jamie for design as well!! Her blog is SOOO beautiful!!!!

    LOVE your two weekly features :) I really really want to participate in Kelly's feature so hopefully soon I will get up the courage and just do it :) And well... you already know how I feel about Betty's feature haha.

    Totally agree about Cass too... i don't know how she picks these topics!!!!

    I seriously SCREAMED when I seen my name Rebecca, THANK YOU!. My boyfriend thinks I'm a sap now but I think being friendly is like SOO important and your kind words *hugs*... *squees* lol. YOU are the sweetest <3

    Snap! I forgot to put Brittany in mine! I love Brittany's EVERYTHING! Even just her top ten tuesday posts are GAWGOUS! I love her reviews though... wonderful!

    I don't pay attention to a lot of authors on Twitter... what a weird thing to say right? ... I suck at keeping up with my twitter feed though :( I'm going to make sure I am following these two ladies though! Being funny is the best quality in a tweeter :)

    I totally agree about Wendy & Kelly! I only recently just starting talking to Wendy over our mutual love for the BDB (which YOU need to read seriously, you will LOVE IT!) and Kelly is just... kelly. Freaking hilarious.

    Love your awards Rebecca :) I'm finding SO MUCH LOVE in these posts and I can't wait to add all these blogs :) :)

    1. Eek. Sorry for the insane amount of caps... didn't realize I went THAT overboard haha :P

    2. You're so welcome! You deserve that award. :)

      You should totally do book bangin'! I was super nervous when I filmed my first vlog, but now that I've done a few it's super natural and I actually really like it. I think people can see more of my personality when I vlog.

  3. wow so many new blogs to check out! The Perpetual Page-Turner is one of the most beautiful blogs for sure. Awesome post :)

    - Kritika @ Snowflakes & Spider Silk

  4. It makes me sincerely happy to see familiar faces and fresh ones in this post! I can't wait to check out the new-to-me blogs :)

  5. I know like only three people you mentioned. I got to check out the rest, thanks!

  6. Thanks so much for mentioning me, how exciting to see my name!!! I love talking about books with you, it's been so much fun! And I follow a lot of the other blogs you mentioned, but I need to check out the ones I don't, they sound great. Thanks again!! ~Pam

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for being such an awesome friend!

  7. AWWWWW thanks for mentioning me!! I freaking LOVE fangirling with you about book boyfriends too! I'm so sad I didn't get to do the loveathon this last weekend - I'm browsing through people's posts now and wishing I was around to do it! anyway, totally agree with these - kelly is obviously amazing for book bangin (which reminds me... we're almost to the end of the month! who are we doing this month?) and i love betty's book rockin feature -- SO amazing. OH and I agree with Lauren!! BDB books. holy crap hot men. you must meet. that is all. hahaha.

    oh and also tahereh mafi and ransom? they are so freaking adorable i love it so much!

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for fangirling over book boys with me. :) I think this month is vampires maybe? Hot men? I'm on it.

      They are the cutest couple ever. Seriously I can't handle their level of cuteness.

  8. Oh wow, thank you so much, Rebecca! (And yes, I am JUST getting around to commenting. LIFE. Am I right??) Thanks so much for including me in a few of your topics! I'm so so so happy my reviews are helpful for you and I always love fangirling over The Lunar Chronicles! :D

    1. You're welcome! I know life gets in the way of everything! Lol.


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