Friday, February 14, 2014

Marissa Meyer Signing

Oh yes. That is me. With Marissa Meyer!!! *squeals* I am so thankful that I was able to meet her Wednesday night! She came to Washington DC as part of her Cress book tour. I think you all know how much I love this series and it just keeps getting better with every book. I reviewed Cress yesterday and basically just gushed everywhere. 

I've been planning on going to this signing for like a month now and then two days before the event, the weather tells me the worst news possible. 8-12 inches of snow is coming that night. Great. The bookstore that hosted the event is only 19 miles from my work, but if you live in the DC/Northern Virginia area, you all know that that means a two hour drive. (No, I'm not kidding. It took me almost two hours to get there. And that was before the snow hit.) So I'm praying that the snow waits until after I get home. It doesn't. As I'm sitting there listening to the lovely Marissa Meyer speak, I'm watching the snow start. And it starts hard. No tiny gentle flakes. Just raging storm. But oh well, I'm already there, I will just have to hope for the best.
That's a lie. The cold does bother me. A lot. And so does snow. But it ended up being fine. I got home okay. But we did end up getting like 14 inches of snow overnight. Please stab me. Is it almost summer? 

The signing was amazing! Marissa talked about the series, answered a bunch of questions, and signed a ton of books! She was super cute and really funny. She told us some great stories on where the idea for the Lunar Chronicles came from and told us how her mother was convinced that Adri (the evil stepmother) from Cinder was based on her even though she definitely was not. Oh crazy moms.

The narrator of the audiobook, Rebecca Soler, was also there. I don't really listen to audiobooks. I like actually reading better, but this woman made me want to listen to Cress on audio right now. She was so spunky and excited about the book. She read a section in her "Iko" voice and I died laughing. It was perfect. Just how I pictured Iko to sound like. So yeah, you should all check out the audio. I know I'm going to. 

I got all three of my books signed, hung out with some other awesome bloggers, and had a great time! Take that snow! And I get to go to the Dark Days Winter Tour next week with Tahereh Mafi, Veronica Rossi, Sophie Jordan, and Kiersten White! So many amazing authors to meet!

Tell me about some awesome author signings you have been to! If you could meet any author, who would it be? Would you brave 14 inches of snow to meet your favorite author?


  1. How fun! And the Dark Days Winter Tour sounds fantastic! I'm not a big audiobook person either, but I have heard that the narrator makes all the difference in the world and it sounds like this one is really great. I went to YAK Fest recently, but other than that, I haven't been to any author signings. We once had an author come to book club, but it was a bit awkward because the book wasn't very good. But of course we couldn't tell him that, so after book club we all went out and had to really talk about the book. Oh well! ~Pam

    1. That had to be awkward. :( This was my very first author signing so it was super excited!

  2. So awesome!! I'm insanely jealous ;) Looks like you had an amazing time despite the snow! That's so exciting and I can't wait for the day when I can FINALLY meet Marissa! :D

    1. It was so awesome! I really hope you get to meet her soon! She is so nice. :)

  3. Ohh yay! That is awesome that you got to go!! I PROMISE i'm starting this series soon. seriously. for real. I OWN cinder and everything. Glad you were still able to get home safely! And as for braving snow? I would totally brave snow in order to meet JLA!

    1. Okay if you promise you're starting this series, then I promise I will start the Lux series soon. Deal?

  4. Oh dang! I'm glad you got to go even with the storm. Would I risk 14 inches of snow... Probably not. Then again I'm currently just commuting via Metro and don't own a car. So I'm not sure I'd want to be walking around with 14 inches of snow. Plus I doubt I have the clothing to walk around in that much snow. Totally glad you got to go and still stayed safe. :)

    1. True true. Luckily I beat most of the storm so it was definitely worth it for me. :)

  5. You are totally the cutest! 14" is crazytown, but looks like it was totally worth it! I would go in a heartbeat!

  6. THIS IS AMAZING <3 Sooo lucky! And I'm glad you made it through the storm safely!

    1. I know, it was so fun! I feel so lucky that I was able to meet her. We ended up getting 23 inches of snow! Freaking ridiculous.


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