As most of you probably already know, I am not a mood reader. I have a reading schedule that I set for myself and I do a pretty good job of following it. Too good sometimes. Once I set a schedule for myself I get twitchy if I don't follow it. Which I think can be a good thing, but also a bad thing. Because I am so adamant about following my schedule, I miss out on rereading opportunities or new releases that I've been dying to read forever that I forgot to schedule in.
For example, recently The Immortal Heights came up on my schedule. This is the third book in the series and as most of you probably also know, I have horrible book amnesia. And I loved this series. So I felt like I should reread. But then my neurotic side was screaming, "no, if you reread you won't stay on schedule!". And finally I threw that voice into a dark closet and did what I wanted to do: which was reread. And I'm so happy I did, because I remembered like nothing. Especially from the second book. Ironically I tend to remember first books better - anyone else find that?
Do any of you guys use schedules like I do? And if you do, do you have that neurotic pull to stick to the schedule no matter what?
I'm starting to think that's a bad thing. I think the schedule is good. It helps me keep on track when it comes to my review books, but I also need to allow for some flexibility. For when I want to reread or I want to read that new release that I forgot to make room for. I have to release a little bit of that control and do what I want to do. Because when it comes down to it, I should be reading what I want to read, not what my schedules tells me to read. Review books are important and I definitely want to get to them all or as many as I can, but I have to step back and read the books I want to read. And reread the books I want to reread. Because if I don't do that, I'm afraid this is going to start feeling like a job and I never want that to happen.
I think I'm getting better, but I'm still a bit neurotic about it. I know I'm going to break my schedule later this month too in preparation for the release of Winter. I plan on rereading Cinder, Scarlet, Cress and reading Fairest for the first time before Winter is released. Because this is another series I LOVE and because I love it so much, I feel lit deserves to be reread. NEEDS to be reread.
The Queen by Tiffany Reisz also comes out at the end of October, the last book in The Original Sinners series. I definitely want to reread all the books before I get to it. That's 8 books to read. So that will definitely throw my schedule off. But that's okay. *tries to actually believe that's ok*
Part of my problem is the sheer number of review books I have. And that's mostly my fault. I've gotten way better at Edelweiss and Netgalley this year. I've only been downloading/requesting books that I REALLY want to read. But I still have a ways to go. I still need to get more selective. Because it gets out of control. And I thought I was better at BEA this year, but I still managed to grab almost 40 books. That's a lot of freaking books. And I still have books from BEA 2014 that I haven't read which just makes me feel terrible. Not to mention my numerous Book Outlet hauls that I still have barely touched. And the Christmas/birthday gifts people buy me that sit on my shelves for YEARS without me reading them. Needless to say, I get very twitchy about sticking to my schedule because that schedule is what is going to get me through these massive piles of books.
But after rereading Garth Nix's Abhorsen series and Sarah Maas's Throne of Glass series and now Sherry Thomas's Burning Sky series, I want to reread more. And so I'm struggling to balance the two, keeping to my schedule and finding time to reread/read the new or old books on my list. I'll get there eventually and I think I'm making good progress towards that balance, but I know I still have a ways to go.
Are you a schedule-driven reader? Do you get the same feeling I do when you deviate from your schedule? How do you balance that? Do you build in rereads to your schedule?
I only use a schedule to keep track of review copies and when I should get around to them, but when I'm not feeling it I just let it sit for a while. I don't feel like I HAVE to review it before publication date, because loads of reviews will be posted then. If I post my review later the book still gets attention and that's what the publisher want after all :)
ReplyDeleteThat's very true and a good way of looking at things. I try to remember that there are loads of bloggers out there reviewing these books. Still get that guilty feeling sometimes though. I only schedule my review books as well so I'm trying to get better about setting it aside and working through my backlist when I feel like it.
DeleteI don't have a reading schedule AT ALL. I can't imagine doing that, to be honest. Even when I'm reviewing books, I may read one months ahead of when I can post it, but if I want to read it, I read it and then just write up the review and schedule it to post closer to the publication date. Now the negative to that is that sometimes I never get in the mood to read a book a publisher has sent to me and I feel bad about that, but I'm trying not to worry about it too much. I just don't want this to feel like a job, you know?
ReplyDeleteAnd rereading, yes, I have to reread with my horrible memory. Plus the fact that some series I just want to reread. I'm just reread The Burning Sky and today I'm rereading Perilous Sea so I can read Immortal Heights when it arrives tomorrow. ~Pam
Yeah, I've definitely done that before with books I have that I just can't wait for. I normally try to wait until closer to publication but sometimes there are just those books you can't wait for. But for the most part I try to stick to my schedule. I almost think I have to build in "free" books for myself so I can choose from my backlist you know? For the most part it works for me, but I do run into issues.
DeleteOmg I wasn't going to reread and then I changed my mind and I'm so happy I did. That series is so amazing!! You're going to love Immortal Heights! Text me updates as you're reading!!
I used to try a schedule and it ruined meeeeee. Then I totally threw it out the window and it was fun but then I fell so far behind on the books I promised to review.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm trying something that Andi from Andi's ABCs inspired me to do and that's making a "schedule" based on publisher. So it's any genre, any time, but I have a nice mix in there. I'm following my commitments and trying to read some ARCs, catch up on old books I requested, and mix in some backlist books. It's sort of a mix based on publisher and ARC/backlist instead of "read by X date" because that was so stressful!!!
I don't really keep a schedule. It makes me feel locked in and claustrophobic and I end up not wanting to read the books on my schedule. I'm weird. But I started doing a loose monthly TBR with categories, based on what Andi at Andi's ABCs did -- and haha, i just noticed Brittany mentioned the same thing. I really like it! This past month I had a mix of categories like Backlist, ARC, New Release, etc and it's nice because it's some sort of structure but gives me the option to choose something based on the category. :)
ReplyDeleteLol yeah, a lot of people can't read on a schedule and I get that. I'm just a really structured and organized person in general so having a schedule helps me feel like I'm more in control I guess. If I don't have it I just stare aimlessly at my shelves and can't decide on what to read next. I definitely need to build in more backlists to my schedule though. I feel like they always fall to the wayside because I have so much ARC guilt.