Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Rewind and Fast Forward: November 2015

I know. I'm horribly late. It's halfway through December and I am just now wrapping up November. December has been a complete whirlwind so far and I expect the rest to be just as crazy so I apologize in advance for the lack of new content on the blog. I promise I'll be back in full swing in January and I have lots of very exciting things planned, lovelies! 


Fairest by Marissa Meyer: 4 Stars
Winter by Marissa Meyer: 5 Billion Stars
Need by Joelle Charbonneau: 2.5 Stars
Da Vinci's Tiger by L.M. Elliott: 4 Stars
Dumplin' by Julie Murphy: 4 Stars

So obviously book of the month was Winter. This was such an amazing ending to The Lunar Chronicles series. I also reread Cinder, Scarlet & Cress which was amazing of course. I'm already planning on rereading them all on audio next year because I've heard the audio is amazing!! I think I'm still in a bit of a book hangover from Winter, weeks later. I can't seem to move on and I've only read three books since I finished it. I know. Who am I? What is this life? What does it mean? Am I dying? *sigh* I've also just been really busy lately and haven't had much reading time. Ugh, adulting sucks sometimes. 

Other Posts:

I gave you my #1 reason why you should read The Lunar Chronicles. Just do it, people. Trust me. It's incredible. I talked about pursuing your dreams, regardless of how scary it might be and I also talked about not being afraid to share your passions with the people around you, even if you think they may think it's stupid. Who cares what they think? If it's something you love and are passionate about, you should share it! And for Thanksgiving I wrote a post about all the things in my life I'm thankful for, which are so so many. 

Still trying to finish up some holiday shopping? I've put together a bookish gift guide to make life easier. 

And finally, last month I got to meet the beautiful and talented Leigh Bardugo. Leigh was so amazing. She was funny and super sweet and I'm so happy I got to go to her Six of Crows event and be the girl that slapped down 5 books to be signed. I always seem to be that girl... Sorry not sorry. 

In My Real Life:

November was a whirlwind. I don't even know what I did. Seriously. Um... well for Thanksgiving Phil and I went to our friends house which was nice. Normally it's just Phil and I for Thanksgiving since we fly back to Chicago (where we're both from) for Christmas and it's always a little lonely with just two people at the table. So it was nice to be surrounded by friends. I didn't do any Black Friday shopping because it's just too crazy for me. I'd rather pay full price. For real. How was your Thanksgiving??? Did you eat all the pie? 


Their Fractured Light by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner: December 1, 2015: So I haven't even read the second book in this series yet, but now that the third one is out, I'm going to reread and binge the whole thing because I LOVED These Broken Stars
This Raging Light by Estelle Laure: December 22, 2015: The synopsis has sisters in it so I'm in. I'm a sucker for sister stories and while I don't think this is going to focus on the relationship, I have a feeling it's going to play a big part. 

That's it apparently... December is a slow month for everyone I guess, including the publishing industry. Do you know any other December releases I should have on my list??? 

What was the best book you read in the month of November? What December release are you most looking forward to? Have any big Christmas plans?


  1. "Winter by Marissa Meyer: 5 Billion Stars" - This is my favorite quote from this post, and I 100% agree. That book deserves ALL OF THE STARS!

    1. I know! It was sooooo good! I already want to reread the entire series. It's so amazing. :D

  2. WINTER. Seriously though, that book gave me an epic book hangover, I've literally only listened to audiobooks since then and read two books because I was on the tour and had to. TWO BOOKS since finishing WInter. Whaaaat. I hope you have a great Christmas! This month is pretty crazy so reading time is tougher to get too.

    1. I know. It's horrible. I think I've finished 3 or 4 since Winter. Which is super pathetic for me. Normally that's like a week of reading for me. What is wrong with me??? I started a reread of Winterspell though last night and am starting to feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things. But then I'll go home for Christmas and have no time to read. Lol oh well!


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