Friday, August 23, 2013

Loaning Out My Books

Those are my thoughts on loaning books out. What about you guys? Do you have certain people that you WON'T loan books out to? Do you prefer paperbacks or hardcovers? Leave me a comment below!


  1. I agree that I don't mind lending books, but I demand that my books are returned in mint condition! There are only a few friends I loan books to because I know they'll actually read them (and return them). I've had a couple of instances where I lent a book and the friend didn't read it for months!

    - Kritika@Snowflakes and Spider Silk (newly redesigned!)

    1. I hate that! I'm always like "um, excuse me. I didn't loan that book to you indefinitely..."

      I'm headed over to your blog to check out the new design right now!

  2. I definitely prefer hardcover books. They just look so much better. The only paperback books I have are ARCs. I used to lend a lot more books to people, but buying most of my books on my Kindle makes it impossible (although I do have a friend that reads a ton and we both have two Kindles so we traded and that way she can read the books I buy and I can read the books she buys). But no issues about returning (although I guess she could return my Kindle all messed up). :)

    Anyway, I have some horror stories about lending books out, including a friend who borrowed a hardback book of mine, read it in the bathtub, and yes, dropped it into the water. She returned it to me and it was all bloated and ruined. Oh well! The main person that borrows books now is my co-blogger, who I completely trust and who returns the books back looking pristine. ~Pam

    1. I don't have a Kindle... I really like reading actual physical books... but then at times I want one. Should I get one?

      I would have freaked out. If I had been the person to borrow a book and drop it in the bathtub, I would've gone out and bought you a new one. Just feels wrong to return a book that damaged.

  3. I lend out books to people I can trust. .I'd it is someone new I lay out all the rules to them. I have a friends who wouldn't borrow books from me because of my rules! I usually only share with my BFF who is a fellow bibliophile. We keep each others books forever but I always know where they are!

    1. Yeah, I'm pretty picky when it comes to loaning out my books now. I pretty much only loan them out to one really good friend and my sister. I just don't understand how people can just disrespect somebody else's property like that! Grr....

  4. One of my favorite things is to loan books to my friends, and I love borrowing books! The only time i've been thoroughly upset is when someone returned my book and had spilled some type of liquid through the pages! WTF!

    1. I do like loaning my books out because I love sharing the books I love, but I hate when people don't care of them! Like dumping liquid on them. Come on, guys. And dogearing pages. No. Guess I'm just pickier than most. Lol.


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