Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top Ten Things That Make My Life as a Reader/Blogger Easier

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we make lists of bookish things! 

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is Top Ten (Okay, Eight) Things That Make My Life as a Reader/Blogger Easier: 
  • Goodreads: This makes my life so easy. I can organize books on my virtual bookshelves. I can send status updates when I'm reading a book and then refer back to that page when writing my review. And have you guys checked out the app? It allows you to scan books in. Literally if you want to add a book to your "currently reading" shelf you just use the Goodreads app scanner to scan the barcode and then add it to your shelf. I find this particularly useful when in a book store. I can sit there and just scan all the books I want to read, automatically adding them to my "want to read" shelf. It's amazing! 
  • Hootsuite: This website allows me to schedule my tweets and Facebook posts ahead of time. So when I schedule a post, then I click over to Hootsuite and schedule all the times I am going to tweet out my link throughout the day and what I'm going to say in each tweet. Amazing. Crazy time saver and it also allows you to get your new posts out there, no matter how busy you are during the day. 

  • My library: I've talked about how important I think libraries are. Mine is awesome. I sit on the computer and add books to my request list. Then the library puts them all on a shelf in a convenient location. When I get to the library, I just grab my books and check out. In and out in two minutes. In addition to this, my library also has a drive-thru! I don't even have to get out of my car anymore. Amazing!

  • Amazon: I love Amazon. I don't know if I would say Amazon makes my life easier...but it sure helps me find new books to read. I can get lost on the Amazon recommended pages for days. You click on a book. Then right below there's a whole list of recommended books. You click on one of those and behold! A whole new list of recommended books. I've literally spent hours doing this. 

  • My husband: He's not a reader. But he doesn't bother me when I read. He understands that I do not want to be interrupted. He's a big gamer so a lot of times, he'll play games and I'll sit next to him and read. It's the perfect setup. We're still spending time together, but we each get to do something we love. 

  • Google Analytics: If I feel like watching my stats. I don't usually. I try not to anyway. If I do, I'll go crazy. But, if you need to look up your stats when say, requesting ARCs from a publisher or, signing up for a blog tour, Google Analytics gives a really good breakdown of all the stats you could possibly want to know. 

  • Nosegraze's Bitchin' Book Blog Feature: Ashley from Nosegraze does a special feature on her blog called Bitchin' Book Blog. She gives all kinds of tips on blogging, web design, and coding. I know nothing about web design or coding. When I started this blog, I didn't even know what code meant. But through her tutorials I have been able to edit my html code (It was so scary the first time I did it!) and make my blog a more user friendly website. If you have a blogging question, you can submit it on her blog and eventually she will produce a tutorial to answer your question! It may take some time, but be patient. It will be worth it. She is amazing! Go check out her blog if you haven't already! 

  • Other bloggers: Do you ever run out of ideas for posts? I do. And that's when other bloggers such as Jamie @ The Perpetual Page Turner can help! She recently posted a fun A-Z Bookish Survey that she invited any other bloggers to do. Not only does this help you get a new post written, but it also is a great way to interact with other bloggers and make new friends. 
Those are the main things that help make my life as a reader/blogger easier! What's on your list? Leave me a link to your TTT below so I can check it out! 


  1. I feel silly that I forgot to mention my library in my top ten!! LOL!!

    And I loved that you mentioned your husband as well!!

    -Jac @ For Life, Love and Books

    1. My library is my lifesaver! If it weren't for my husband, this blog would not exist. He is so great about listening to me talk about all the books I read (even though he is totally not a reader).

  2. My hubby will read from time to time, but when he doesn't, he doesn't mind choosing a movie to watch and having me right there next to him reading. :) Sometimes it works to his advantage since I'm picky with movies!
    Amazon is definitely a smarty pants when it comes to book suggestions! haha

    1. Amazon both saves and kills my bank account. The books are cheaper but I always end up buying way more than I would at a bookstore. It's a problem. I swear I get a box from Amazon once a week...

  3. I am always checking google analytics. I never get as many views as I think I should. I'll have more comments then views so it confuses me. I still check it daily though!

    Angela's Anxious Life

    1. I just started using it so am still figuring it out and like I said, I try not to watch my stats as it just makes me go crazy. They are lots of Youtube tutorials on it. Hopefully those will help. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I need to use Goodreads more. Right now I just use it to read reviews, find books coming out (the lists are amazing), and then copy and paste the summary and the cover of the book. But I know so many people use it to be organized, have their shelves, etc. and I really need to do that! I use the library the same way, except mine doesn't have a drive-thru! Great list! ~Pam

    1. I used to only use Goodreads for reading reviews, but then I got the app and I realized how much more you can do with it. I love that I can update my status as I'm reading so if there's a quote I really like I can use it in a status update and then reference back to it when I'm writing my reviews.


Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my blog! I love reading comments and try to reply to every single one! So leave me a comment and if you want to talk more find me on Twitter or send me an email!